Member Organizations
Board of Trustees
NBCC Staff
The Arts Mean Business in New Brunswick
From: Arts & Economic Prosperity III: The Economic Impact of Nonprofit Arts and Cultural Organizations and Their Audiences in the City of New Brunswick, NJ
The Arts & Economic Prosperity III study was conducted by Americans for the Arts to document the economic impact of the nonprofit arts and culture industry in 156 communities and regions (116 cities and counties, 35 multi-county regions, and five states)—representing all 50 states and the District of Columbia.
This study could not have been completed without the cooperation of the nonprofit arts and culture organizations in the City of New Brunswick, listed below, that provided detailed financial and event attendance information about their organization.
- American Repertory Ballet
- Crossroads Theatre Company
- George Street Playhouse
- Institute for Arts and Humanities Education
- Jane Voorhees Zimmerli Art Museum
- Middlesex County Cultural and Heritage Commission
- New Brunswick Chamber Orchestra
- New Brunswick Cultural Center
- New Brunswick Free Public Library
- State Theatre Regional Arts Center
Total arts related economic activity
Household spending generated
Local restaurant spending
People that attend cultural events in New Brunswick, a city of only 50,000 residents
Lodging & Hotel Spending
Local & State Tax Revenue Generated by Spending
Jobs supported by arts spending
Mr. Thomas F. Kelso
Kelso & Bradshaw
Vice Chairperson
Mr. Gary J. Hoagland
Hoagland, Longo, Moran, Dunst & Doukas, LLP
Mr. Bill Hagaman
Withum Smith & Brown
Mr. Charles Metcalf
Mathematica Policy Research – Retired
Mr. Steven Darien
Chairman & CEO
The Cabot Advisory Group LLC
Mr. George B. Stauffer
Dean, Mason Gross School of the Arts
Rutgers, the State University of New Jersey
Dr. Carl Van Horn
John J. Heldrich Center for Workforce
Mr. James Heston
George Street Playhouse
Ms. Rachel Samoil
Liberty Mutual Insurance
Mr. Scott Fergang
Senior Vice President/ Branch Director
RBC Wealth Managment
NBCC Timeline
- 1979New Brunswick Tomorrow announces results of first arts center feasibility study
- 1982Mayor John Lynch receives report from New Brunswick Arts Development Commission recommending creation of an arts center in the downtown area
- 1982New Brunswick Cultural Center (NBCC) incorporates
- 1984George Street Playhouse opens season at renovated YMCA
- 1986NBCC purchases State Theatre from the New Brunswick Development Corporation (DEVCO)
- 1987NBCC Board of Trustees approves Capital Master Plan
- 1987Renovation of State Theatre begins
- 1988State Theatre re-opens following $4 million renovation
- 1988Middlesex County takes title to State Theatre
- 1989NBCC awarded $6 million capital grant for renovation and construction of facilities from 1987 Green Acres, Cultural Center, and Historic Preservation Bond Act.
- 1991New Jersey Designer Craftsmen moves to 65 Church Street
- 1991Crossroads Theatre Company opens season in a newly constructed home at 7 Livingston Avenue
- 1992American Repertory Ballet Company moves into newly renovated studios at 80 Albany Street
- 1992David Fleming hired as the second President of NBCC.
- 1994NBCC Board of Trustees approves revised Capital Master Plan
- 1995Construction of new backstage loading docks at State Theatre and George Street Playhouse completed as first phase of revised Capital Master Plan
- 1995Construction of State Theatre stagehouse expansion completed.
- 1999New Brunswick Cultural Center Board adopts a resolution to separate the State Theatre and NBCC, in order for NBCC to become a stand-alone entity with a broader role of fostering the city’s cultural district.
- 2001The legal separation of New Brunswick Cultural Center is completed. Operation of NBCC is vested in the New Brunswick Development Corporation (DEVCO). Devco’s experience in public/private partnerships and facility planning and management are essential for the incubation of this new entity.
- 2005In order to further the goals of the organization the Board of NBCC seeks to hire key staff.
- 2006NBCC Board adopts new By-Laws which strengthen representation of the member agencies while also creating a more detailed operational framework for the Board activities and leadership.